Welcome to Kingdom of God Life Ministry (Pearland)
We are more than just a Church; we are a family. We care for each other and believe in what is best for one another. We want to see you conquer and have joy in life. We are here to encourage one another on our journey in the kingdom of God life.

Once you are introduced to the Kingdom of God, your life will be transformed. Our purpose is to fulfill God and Jesus Christ's commission through the ministry of reconciliation. We believe that all mankind should govern their lives by the principles of the Kingdom of God in order to experience the joy, peace, and abundance that God has purposed for us.

Our belief is that the Bible is the infallible and irrevocable Word of God. We take guidance from the Scriptures to establish the principles and covenants that shape our way of life. As a Church, we are directed by the Word of God, not the word of man.